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Conceptual Physics Alive: Gravity 2
Item #99-0120
- Next-Time Question: Gravity Lock
- Next-Time Question: Earth Rise
- Next-Time Question: Apple Drop
- Next-Time Question: Shuttle
- Next-Time Question: Giant Plane
- Next-Time Question: Solar Black Hole
- Next-Time Question: Moon on a Cable
- Next-Time Question: Lunar Tides
- Next-Time Question: Body Tides
- Next-Time Question: Moon Orbit

Conceptual Physics Alive: Introduction
Item #99-0010

Conceptual Physics Alive: Linear Motion
Item #99-0020

Conceptual Physics Alive: Vectors & Projectiles
Item #99-0030
- Next-Time Question: Ground Speed
- Next-Time Question: Motorboat Race
- Next-Time Question: Nellie on Clothesline
- Next-Time Question: Book Friction
- Next-Time Question: Sailboat Speed
- Wind Impact
- Next-Time Question: Standing Wave
- Next-Time Question: Shock Wave
- Next-Time Question: Speed of Sound
- Next-Time Question: Pitch
- Next-Time Question: Violin

Conceptual Physics Alive: Newton's First Law
Item #99-0040

Conceptual Physics Alive: Newton's Second Law
Item #99-0050

Conceptual Physics Alive: Newton's Third Law
Item #99-0060

Conceptual Physics Alive: Momentum
Item #99-0070

Conceptual Physics Alive: Energy
Item #99-0080

Conceptual Physics Alive: Center of Gravity
Item #99-0090

Conceptual Physics Alive: Rotation
Item #99-0100

Conceptual Physics Alive: Gravity, Satellite Motion
Item #PX-9104

Conceptual Physics Alive: Special Relativity 1
Item #99-0140

Conceptual Physics Alive: Special Relativity 2
Item #99-0150

Conceptual Physics Alive: Atoms
Item #99-0160

Conceptual Physics Alive: Scaling
Item #99-0170

Conceptual Physics Alive: Liquids 1
Item #99-0180
- Next-Time Question: Water Level
- Next-Time Question: Equal Areas
- Next-Time Question: Loaded Fire Truck
- Next-Time Question: Water Touch
- Next-Time Question: Teabag Tension
- Next-Time Question: Styrofoam Load
- Next-Time Question: Submarine
- Next-Time Question: Iceberg
- Next-Time Question: Density of Block
- Next-Time Question: Lunar Ice Cube
- Next-Time Question: Sandy Pool

Conceptual Physics Alive: Gases
Item #99-0200
- Next-Time Question: Weight of Air
- Next-Time Question: Pinched Bottle
- Next-Time Question: Balanced Balls
- Next-Time Question: Air Pressure
- Next-Time Question: Air-Filled Floating Balloon
- Next-Time Question: Balanced Balloons
- Next-Time Question: Wood and Iron
- Next-Time Question: Deep Glass
- Next-Time Question: Spinning Candle
- Next-Time Question: Candle in Shuttle
- Next-Time Question: Burning Candles

Conceptual Physics Alive: Heat, Temp and Expansion
Item #99-0210
- Next-Time Question: Sparkler
- Next-Time Question: Fire Walk
- Next-Time Question: Radioactive Granite
- Next-Time Question: Radiation Emitters
- Next-Time Question: Energy Glow
- Next-Time Question: Wave Emitters
- Next-Time Question: Coffee Cream
- Next-Time Question: Clear or Cloudy
- Next-Time Question: Radiator
- Next-Time Question: Cookware
- Next-Time Question: Space Gear

Conceptual Physics Alive: Heat Transfer
Item #99-0220

Conceptual Physics Alive: Heat Radiation
Item #99-0230

Conceptual Physics Alive: Heat: Change of Phase
Item #99-0240

Conceptual Physics Alive: Vibrations & Sound 1
Item #99-0250

Conceptual Physics Alive: Vibrations & Sound 2
Item #99-0260

Conceptual Physics Alive: Light and Color
Item #99-0270

Conceptual Physics Alive: Reflection and Refraction
Item #99-0280
- Next-Time Question: Fermat Reflection
- Next-Time Question: Minimum-Size Mirror
- Next-Time Question: Mirror Image Distance
- Next-Time Question: Pocket Mirror
- Next-Time Question: Bridge Reflection
- Next-Time Question: Reflection on Water
- Next-Time Question: Refraction in Water
- Next-Time Question: Spear Fishing
- Next-Time Question: Laser Direction
- Next-Time Question: Under Water Vision
- Next-Time Question: Equinoxes

Conceptual Physics Alive: Light Waves
Item #99-0290

Conceptual Physics Alive: Electrostatics
Item #99-0300

Conceptual Physics Alive: Electric Current
Item #99-0310

Conceptual Physics Alive: Magnetism and E&M Induction
Item #99-0320

Conceptual Physics Alive: Radioactivity
Item #99-0330

Conceptual Physics Alive: Fission and Fusion
Item #99-0340
Additional Details
Conceptual Physics Alive: Gravity 1 includes a digital video and questions set with answers.
Observe Paul Hewitt teach in a classroom with real students, using engaging demonstrations and artwork. In this video, the inverse-square law is explained and then related to the law of universal gravitation. Weight and weightlessness, the discoveries of the planets Neptune and Pluto, and the universality of gravitation are also discussed.
Gravity 1 Includes:
- Hewitt begins with patterns that underlie music and the stars.
- Gravitational equation explained with examples and questions.
- Kepler's laws.
- Demonstration of ellipse construction with string and tacks.
- Inverse-square law analogy with light from a candle.
- Questions to illustrate inverse-square law.
- Weight.
- Apparent weightlessness.
- Hewitt steps off the table and drops the ball (in slow motion} to demonstrate the effects of weightlessness.
- Apparent weightlessness of astronauts in a space shuttle.
- Examples of weight at various planetary locations: Infinitely far. At surface of twice-as-massive planet. At surface if your mass doubles. Atop a ladder so you're twice as far from the earth's center.
- Discovery of planet Neptune.
- Von Jolly's determination of G.
- Mass of planet earth.
- Moon's monthly spin.
- Being wrong and analogy of not falling while learning to roller skate.
- Torque and center of mass-gravity explanation of why only one side of the moon faces Earth.
Next-Time Question: Which pulls harder on the oceans of the earth, the moon or the sun? (SEE RESOURCES TAB FOR MORE)
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Digital format: The email you will receive will contain a hyperlink to download a .ZIP file containing a digital video (.MP4) and questions set with answers (.PDF).
Notice: The Conceptual Physics Alive Digital content is protected by copyright laws. Replicating and distributing this digital content without the authority of the copyright owner is an infringement of the copyright. This digital content can be used in physical or remote classroom settings (e.g., Google Classroom, Canvas, etc.), or Homeschool.
- Next-Time Question: Gravity Lock
- Next-Time Question: Earth Rise
- Next-Time Question: Apple Drop
- Next-Time Question: Shuttle
- Next-Time Question: Giant Plane
- Next-Time Question: Solar Black Hole
- Next-Time Question: Moon on a Cable
- Next-Time Question: Lunar Tides
- Next-Time Question: Body Tides
- Next-Time Question: Moon Orbit