Conceptual Physics Alive! DVDs Group
Master teacher Paul Hewitt teaches noncomputational Conceptual Physics. Observe Hewitt teach in a classroom with real students, using engaging demonstrations and artwork. 34 episodes available on 10 DVDs.
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Observe Hewitt teach in a classroom with real students, using engaging demonstrations and artwork.
10 DVD titles; 34 episodes.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #1
- Introduction: Paul Hewitt talks about teaching physics conceptually and his earlier efforts at videotaping.
- Linear Motion: Concepts of speed, velocity, and acceleration are introduced and supported with a variety of examples.
- Vectors and Projectiles: Vector addition and vector resolution are explained, using examples such as airplanes flying in the wind and projectile motion.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #2
- Newton's 1st Law: The law of inertia and the concept of mass are introduced and supported with a variety of examples and intriguing demonstrations, such as the tablecloth-and-dishes stunt.
- Newton's 2nd Law: The relationship of force, acceleration, and mass is illustrated with a variety of examples.
- Newton's 3rd Law: The notion that a force is a push or a pull is developed.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #3
- Momentum: Newton's 2nd law is rearranged to the form: Impulse = Change in Momentum. A variety of everyday examples, such as bouncing are used to support this impulse-momentum concept.
- Energy: Mechanical energy in its potential and kinetic forms is illustrated with demonstrations that include a bouncing dart, a pendulum, and a simple pulley system.
- Center of Gravity: The concepts of torque, center of gravity, and center of mass are applied to balancing.
- Rotation: The concept of rotational inertia is developed from a variety of everyday examples and demonstrations using weighted objects, and rolling cans filled with both liquids and solids.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #4
- Gravity I: The inverse-square law is explained and then related to the law of universal gravitation.
- Gravity II: The discussion of gravitation continues with the emphasis on the ocean, earth, and atmospheric tides.
- 3. Satellite Motion: The concept of simple projectile motion is extended to include satellite motion- first circular, and then, elliptical.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #5
- Special Relativity I: A discussion on the concept of time dilation leads up to a showing of the 12-minute animated film "Relativistic Time Dilation."
- Special Relativity II: Length, momentum, mass, and Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 are discussed and supported with several fanciful examples.
- Atoms: Bohr's atomic model is described, with emphasis on the smallness, emptiness, and plentifulness of atoms.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #6
- Scaling: Surface area and volume are distinguished with simple demonstrations.
- Liquids I: The concepts of density, pressure, and the depth-dependence of liquid pressure are used to develop the concept of buoyancy.
- Liquids II: This tape expands on the discussion of Archimede's principle in the Liquid's I tape, with an emphasis on the law of flotation.
- Gases: This demonstration-oriented lecture focuses on the atmosphere--its weight, pressure, and the buoyancy it exerts on objects.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #7
- Heat, Temperature, and Expansion: Temperature and heat are distinguished from each other.
- Heat Transfer: Conduction is related to many everyday examples and is demonstrated by boiling water under a variety of conditions.
- Heat Radiation: The temperature dependence of radiation frequencies are related to the greenhouse effect.
- Heat: Change of State The concepts of evaporation and condensation are contrasted.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #8
- Vibrations and Sound I: A coiled toy is used to illustrate the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.
- Vibrations and Sound II: The reflection, refraction, and speed of sound waves are explained.
- Radioactivity: The differences between alpha, beta, and gamma radiation are discussed, with emphasis on balancing nuclear equations.
- Fission and Fusion: Fission and fusion are distinguished and compared. Energy release from nuclear reactions is explained in terms of the resulting mass defects.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #9
- Light and Color: The electromagnetic nature of light and the reason its speed changes when passing through transparent materials are explained.
- Reflection and Refraction: Mirrored and diffuse reflection are compared. Refraction is demonstrated using a water tank.
- Light Waves: The interference of light waves is demonstrated with laser light, and related to the colors of thin films.
Conceptual Physics Alive DVD #10
- Electrostatics: Electrostatic charging is demonstrated in a variety of ways--with a rubber rod, cat's fur, an electrophorus, a Whimshurst electrostatic generator, and a Van De Graaff generator.
- Electric Current: Concepts in electric current and examples of Ohm's law are discussed.
- Magnetism and E&M Induction: Electromagnets, motors, generators, and magnetic levitation are examined, using numerous examples and demonstrations.